Monday, May 28, 2007

so it goes...week 2 of training...

Here comes the official week two of training. On the weekend, the schedule makes you work out longer. I've figured out what they are doing. They have you work out longer so you say to yourself "OH MY GOD I AM IN PAIN I CAN'T DO THIS," so that when you finish, and then go back during the week to an easier schedule, things won't seem nearly as bad. I mean, if you workout for an hour on saturday, and then you only have to work out 30 mins during the week, those 30 mins are going to seem like a piece of cake, right?

I'm currently sitting on the floor of my room, with no chair or desk or bed. Moving days are here. I'm moving up north to a great place by a park and running course, so I'm pumped. And I haven't seen a mass amount of homeless at my new place (unlike my old place) so I'm pretty pumped.

GREAT NEWS! I went shopping this past week with my grandmother while back home. She always likes to go shopping. So we went to Lane Bryant (or as I like to call it Lane Giant), where we always go. The LB should give me clothing, I've given them so much business. It's really the only half decent place for a plus size girl to shop. And I mean half decent, because they still got some ugly shit. So anyways, we go shopping, and I walk in and ask the girl, "do you have any sports bras?" She replies, "why do you need a sports bra?" Picture this overweight, giant hipped women with a smirk on her face asking me this, and I reply, "because I'm running a marathon." She sort of snorted and smirked and went and got me the only sports bra they had, a flimsy one with no support, and she didn't ask my size, but gave it to me in their largest size. Well jokes on her, because since I've been working out I WENT DOWN A SIZE IN TOPS! I got all these shirts to try on, and none of them fit, too big! So I had to have her get me a sports bra two sizes smaller than what she gave me. And the new shirts look cute! I looked so cute! It was all soo exciting. You see, I've never gone down a size, only up, so it was a HUGE joy for me. My grandmother commented that she had never seen me so happy in a dressing room. I did a happy dance people, a happy dance. To the bad Tina Turner cover they were playing, and I never dance to bad music!

So needless to say, that was a great moment this past week. I also lost 2 lbs so far. The doctor told me it would take a while for me to loose weight, because I'd be building up muscle, and muscle weights more than fat. Hey, as long as I'm loosing dress sizes and feeling good, I don't mind. I took a salad to my graduation party with my family while I was home, and had it and a half of piece of pizza, and a tiny (like 2 bites) piece of cake. All the family thinks me and Dad are crazy for doing this, but are impressed. It was a very good trip home.

Some bad news...Got my blood test back, and my cholesterol is way bad and I'm the closest to being diabetic that you can be without actually being diabetic. So basically I'm the 21 year old with the health of an overweight 45 year old. Awesome. But the doctor said no meds are needed, because I AM DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. It felt nice to hear that from him. My dad said that if I wasn't changing things, the doctor would have put me on a few different medicines. So, this aspect of things gets added to why I'm training. I don't want to have a heart attack at 25, no thank you.

So training is going, moving is a bitch, and things are going well! Hope everyone is having a great memorial day!


Anonymous said...

I found your blog from your comment on Jacob's and I just wanted to offer some support! I'm a 30 year old man who's lost 55 lbs. in the last six months (from 245) and it's made a world of difference in my health and energy.

My advice is two-fold. First and foremost, weightloss and fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't get discouraged by a bad day or two or three. Improvements to your body take time and you'll have bad days. Getting back on course is a vital skill. The second is to really focus on diet as a means to weightloss.

Finally, your sports bra post reminded me of shockabsorber, which has an infamous bounce-o-meter animation. Though the animation is impressive, I don't know anyone who's bought the bra, so it would be worthwhile to find some reviews. They offer sized up to G.

Emily said...

All I can say is that I'm really excited for you and reading this makes me smile.