Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So bringing it...

It's 3 am and why am I not asleep? Because my body hurts. A lot. It hurt earlier, and I took a nap, and now sleep is so not happening.

Why is my body in pain you ask? BECAUSE I RAN 20 FREAKING MILES!!!!

20 MILES!!!!


And my pace has improved (thanks to my new switch easy I can track my runs on my iPod again, hurrah!)! All is well!

To be honest I really am not as sore as I thought I would be. I was more sore on my last big run (15 miles) than this one. I feel this is a good sign, right?

So I do my big runs on Monday because I work Sunday and don't want to run Saturday and not be able to move Sunday morning. So there I was Monday, in my stupid looking fanny pack gagging on GU packets and shuffling along. I even got lost in a harbor! Go figure, I actually try to follow the assigned running trail for the marathon training course, and I end up next to a porta potty in the middle of a harbor. But running along the lake gave me a great view, so that was a nice way to pass the 6 hours or so I spent outside. I did the 20 miles a bit over 5 hours, so it still looks like I'll be finishing the marathon on the sidewalk, (the Chicago marathon course cut off time is 6.5 hours, lame) but all I really care about is finishing it, ya know? I'll worry about medals later in my competitive running career.

Yes, I said competitive running career. I've decided to stick with running post marathon. Me and my Dad are already planning on running the Indy 500 half marathon this next May (you get to run on the Indy 500 track, neato!), and I'm already talking about pacing myself over the next year in order to finish under the 6.5 hour mark and get a medal next year in Chicago.

I've officially gone off the deep end, right? I was talking on the phone while I ran, was smiling during my 19th mile, hell I'm even jogging now! My average pace for my 20 mile run was in the 16:20's! Dare I say i enjoyed it?

Yup. I sure did. When I was done I had a flood of emotions. I was tired, my body was numb, I needed to pee and needed protein (the two main P's in my life right now), but I was crying on the phone to my Mom because I was so freaking proud of myself. Never in a million years would I have thought I could do something like this. Most runners don't even attempt to run marathons because they don't think they'll be able to do it. And here I am, trucking along, doing something that 6 months ago would have seemed like a ridiculous suggestion in my then state of health.

Did I mention I also stepped on the scale yesterday? It said 273. When I started this whole crazy thing I weighed around 295. Do the math and that means I've lost 22 lbs!!! Since late May! And the best part is knowing that since muscle weighs more than fat, and I now have pretty bitching leg muscles, that my body is in even better shape! I'm starting to notice things too, like I can run up stairs, that my body shape is changing, and my second chin I've talked about a few times? It's pretty much all gone. Booyah second chin, take that.

So despite the Debbie downer attitude I had last week, all I needed was some tough self love, I little heart to heart with a few friends, and 20 miles to make me realize just how far I've come and just how awesome I am.

Taper time begins now. I run 5 miles today. The best part is when you see 5 miles and your like, "wow, that's all I have to run?"

Marathon in 18 days! Let's get ready to rumble...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

brrr, it's cold in here...

Nothing like a marathon nightmare to get me off my lazy butt and training again. After putting off training for like, oh a week (eek!), I had a nightmare that I overslept, got to the marathon really late, and then they told me I could still compete if I ran REALLY FAST.

Yeah. I already can't run REALLY FAST.

And then I started to cry. Then I woke up, realized it was 6am, and told myself "this is a sign from God, go out and run woman!"

So I did. And I forgot how much it peps you up in the morning. I set out to just run based on the time I had before I needed to get home, shower, and head to work. I Mapquested the distance when I got home, and I did a bit over 4.22 miles. I say a bit over because Mapquest had me running on Lakeshore drive, which is a big no no, so I was actually running on the Lakeshore path, so I had a bit more distance, but anyways, it was very nice (Note to the people I ordered my iPod+Nike snapcase from, SEND ME MY DAMN PRODUCT! NOW! ok, thanks).

One downside? Chicago fall weather is upon us. So basically IT WAS FREEZING. And I've never really ran in the cold. The last time it was cold out my lazy butt wouldn't have walked a simple little mile. So I put a thin long sleeve shirt under my t-shirt, wore my longer running spandex legging things, strapped on the fannypack and headed out. It was really cold at first, but my body warmed up to it, so it wasn't too horrible.

So yay for back into the groove of things! I'm really starting to get nervous about the marathon, so I'm going all out training wise this last week or so before I taper off, and I'm really watching what I eat until the marathon has passed. No red meat, no booze, no fried stuff. I had baked tilapia and steamed green beans for lunch today. If I'm eating this sort of food, you know I mean business :)

Well, hope everyone who is training is doing well, and anyone training the cold like me is keeping warm!


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

kick it into high gear?

If blogs were audible, you would hear a giant groan right about now. Yup, I've been slacking big time in the training for a marathon department. I've just been either crazy busy or way lazy. Ugh. I'm going for a walk later tonight to get my butt back into gear. C'mon Lisa, you're hitting the last curve around the bend before the marathon, don't give up now!

So yeah, I've basically not been in the mood to do anything. Not good for a person that is running a marathon in less than a month.

So basically I'm trying to build myself a virtual pep rally. My good friend Emily (the one who hijacks this site from time to time) has made a facebook group and event page for me running the marathon! If you have facebook, search LISA WHITE RUNS THE CHICAGO MARATHON and I'm sure the group will pop up. Feel free to join and cheer me on! Or leave some love here!


phew. I'm tired just typing that. Haha, seriously though, just got to get back into the swing of things, and then all will be good.

Hope all is well!


PS Dad just called earlier. We got our tickets for the marathon in today. Oh boy, it's official.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

never eating fried food again...boooo...

Just got home from a 4.5 mile training. I'm calling them training sessions because when I say run, people think I actually run the entire 4.5 miles. Um, no. I can't run, I'm still pretty obese (whatevs, I'm getting there) so I do a really freaking fast walk, and sometimes jog. Anyways, just got home, getting ready to make some dinner. Those 4.5 miles were a bit of a killer tonight. I made the poor decision to eat fried food last night, and so that did a number on me. I felt like a slug out there. Eh well.

So the marathon is one month and two days away. Starting to get a bit scared. I still haven't received my thing for iPod+Nike system to attach to my New Balances. Grr. I'm having to mapquest my distance. But I still have bigger fish to fry.

I've been so busy post-graduating and looking for a job and training, that I haven't raised a cent for Team CARE. I have a month to raise 900 bucks. Uh oh. Anyone have advice on raising money? I feel so bad just asking people for money. I may try to get little old me some press, see if that would bring some moolah in if I get a newspaper story written about me or get on local television. Keep your fingers crossed!

And of course if anyone wants to donate to Team CARE, there is a link to the right where you can go and donate. Just saying.... :)

Well, off to make some dinner and brainstorm ways to raise money! Keep on running!