Sunday, February 17, 2008

And we're back!

Well, just got home from Coney Island, and it was desolate, but safe, so all is well!

Actually, I think I may have found one of my new favorite spots in NYC, especially to run. It's barren, retro, a bit depressing, but totally beautiful. Granted you're running on a boardwalk, which somehow I feel wood planks aren't the best surface to run on, but you have a great view (one side is the ocean, the other side the pier and the people) and it's a nice path to do a decent size run on.

And the best part? MY LEG IS OK!!! Yay! It really hurt around .80 mile and 1.1 mile, but I ran through it, and it subsided. I also did more of an interval type run, which I think helped. It made me slower overall on pace, but it got me farther without feeling pain or feeling tired at the end. Here is what I did...

Every 1o minute mark, I would power walk for 3 minutes (so run until 10 minutes, walk to 13, run to 20, walk to 23, run to 30, walk to 33) and I did this all the way up to the 1 hour point, and then I just ran the rest of my workout, which wasn't far at all. In the next few long runs I'm going to slowly decrease to walking for 2 minutes instead of 3, and then walking 1 minute, and then try to space them out farther as I go along. I think this is a nice way to soften the shock of running again on my body, especially on my screwy shin.

I also noticed my stride more, and watched my posture while I was running, so I'm working slowly on improving my technique. Here are the final stats for my first "long run" of 1/2 training:

4 Miles in 1 hour 8 minutes and 3 seconds
Average Pace was 16:59 min/mi (damn you 3 minute walking pace cramping my style!)
Calories: 821

I'm also really stretching a lot more in general, and starting a plan to work on my core, since the weight I'm loosing is coming off in odd places (belly be gone, cmon!) and a tighter core helps you run better.

So yeah, I'm stepping my game up in a sense. I spent yesterday and tonight I'll finish combing through some old Runners World and some other books, and I'm really making a more detailed training plan. Higdon has a good base for training, but I've got to do more to really improve. I've got three months to get ready for the 1/2, four months to get in better shape for being in a wedding (oh boy, bridesmaid dress), and then October is the next big date!

Feeling good, feeling confident, and glad to be back in the groove of running :)


PS I submitted an application to volunteer in April at the Boston marathon! I figure if I'm still living out in NYC at that point, I'll take the bus up to Boston, and help out! I'd love to actually be a spectator instead of running in a race, and so I put in my bid (although I'm hoping I'll have to decline and hopefully be back in Chicago). I picked my first choice as being a mile marker. Haha. How awesome would that be? The description says I stand with a mile marker sign for on the side of the road for the racers to see. So I can cheer them on. Yay!

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