Thursday, June 14, 2007

But I don't wanna work out....wahhhhhhhhh

Welcome to week four, the defiant week. I've seriously been like a two year old, not wanting to work out at all or do anything, just sit around and yell "NO!" at the idea of doing stuff. Since I've been keeping healthy food around, I've been also trying to binge eat, which is really hard to do when there is only said stuff around. So I've binged on carbs some (being the defiant two year old that I am) which is bad for high blood sugar Lisa. I've also been insanely lazy. So today, I forced myself (like yelled out loud at myself to get up and go) and I just got back from my workout with a new record for pace! Granted it's still not a good pace (see the Nike chart to the right) but ya know, it's something better!

So the big news was this weekend my father and I got confirmation of the charity we are running with! READY TO FIND OUT WHO LISA IS RUNNING THE CHICAGO MARATHON WITH???!!!!

Drum roll please......The Alzheimer's Association/Team CARE! Hurrah! We are actually registered and running the Chicago Marathon! It is a done deal! And we are helping out a great cause! Alzheimer's is a horrible condition that affects not only the people with it, but the family and friends of those individuals. And people at a younger age are starting to show signs of the disease. There was actually a story about it in The Chicago Tribune yesterday. So please follow the link to the right, donate some money to a great cause, and watch as I (almost) kill myself to run a marathon! See how fun this is?

Back to getting my tantrum throwing butt back in gear for the rest of the week. I just yelled at myself on the elevator to never skip a few days working out again. Bad bad Lisa. Everyone take care, and happy early Father's Day!

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