Sunday, October 7, 2007


Pip said...

Hi Lisa
I got up this morning, checked in on your updates, and went off to work happy and looking forward to hearing how things had gone. Then a few minutes ago I checked into someone else's blog, only to read that the marathon had been cancelled due to the heat. I'm REALLY sorry your first event had to end that way! But I hope you don't let it put you off, and that you continue to train, continue to run, and that when the dust has settled, that you are able to select another event that, this time, you will be able to complete!

Did I ever tell you about my first half marathon? We trained all winter in freezing cold conditions, then on the day of the event it was hot, with a gusty dry wind. From the 5km mark I knew I was in trouble and already becoming dehydrated. At 10km I stopped at the drink stop, swallowed a Gu and vomited everywhere. The organisers made me pull out. I was absolutely gutted, but it made victory even sweeter when I finally finished a half marathon earlier this year. And you've come further than me - you've trained for a full marathon. And you inspired me to start to train for a marathon myself...

So good on you for putting yourself out there!

Anonymous said...

Lisa! Lisa! Lisa! So sorry to hear about the heat and craziness. Can't wait to hear your tale. And all about your next marathon! You rock!!!

Anya said...

Lisa... you were amazing!! I hoped you like me and (other) Steph cheering at the first mile mark... We were water duty girls.
You looked great though! Just feel proud you ran in that insane heat!



Anonymous said...

Great job Lisa!!! Tell your mom thank you for the water for me. When I got home from the marathon, I realized that I went 5 miles with no water! She really was a life saver!
I am so glad that I ran into you, I had a great time on the route talking with you and Barbara.
Keep training and keep going strong!
Hope your Dad is okay, Best of luck on your next marathon!
