Thursday, October 4, 2007


Maybe it's just the extreme amounts of carbs talking, but boy AM I PUMPED!!!

2 days, 11 hours and 19 mins until the 2007 Lasalle Bank Chicago Marathon!

And the really neat part? The marathon is setting a record this year as the LARGEST MARATHON IN THE WORLD! Holy crap! I'm part of history! It also has the largest prize money (which I'm so gonna win, because remember, me and Kenyan Steve are going neck and neck) and over a million spectators. Some of the best runners in the world come out for this marathon from all over the globe. This is a huge presitigous deal. And I'm a part of it. I feel sort of guilty in the sense of "I'm not worthy" (sort of like in a Wayne's World way), but I'm also honored to be part of something so massive and so amazing.

But back to the real reason your reading this blog...ME! See, aren't I getting a bit cocky the closer it gets to race date? Haha. Anyways, so I'm doing ok. Well, I haven't been running. I know, BAD LISA. But I got a second job and it's taken over my life lately. So tapering for me=not running. Bad Bad Bad. But I am exceling at the whole bulk up on carbs thing. I'm sort of sleepy and cranky from the carbs though. Damn, I can't win. I was all excited to load up on bread and pasta, two no no's for Polycystic people, and now the carbs are making my body tired. Boo. OH! Did I mention I started getting the first signs of a cold Tuesday afternoon? Um, yeah. Sore throat, sinus pressure. Awesome. So I'm taking vitamin C supplments, using a ton of Zicam, and taking cold medicine just to kick these early signs so I'm good to go Sunday. I'm not too worried about it (knock on wood), so I think come race day I'll be good. Well, I'll be a ball of nerves, but I don't think I'll be sick (once again, knock on wood).

So yeah, I should have been running the last week and a half, but que sera sera. I'm not too worried, I ran my 20 mile run after not running for a week or so, and I was ok.

So my present dilemma is...should I do any running tomorrow? I know I'm not suppose to the day before (and I won't), but I was thinking maybe a quick warm-up/reminder tomorrow to remind my legs that they will be doing this whole running thing this weekend. What is everyone's idea on this?

The other big bad factor this weekend is the weather. The people on the marathon forum site are freaking out. It's suppose to be a high of 86 on Sunday. NOT GOOD. But whatever, I'm not going to let it scare me. I trained in the heat this summer, I'll be fine. I've got a ton of people on the course with gatorade for me, so I'm going to stay plenty hydrated.

So tomorrow I'm going to go buy a hat at the running store (*groan* I'm going to look SO LAME this weekend, awesome), some extra packets of GU due to the scary weather predicitons, and also going to a sports massage therapist to do some stretching out. Don't worry, no deep massage, just some good stretching. I may also go to the marathon expo. I'm still scared of being around all those runners, so I may wait until my Dad gets here. We'll see.

ALSO, I'm still undecided on my race day outfit. I'm wearing my two pair of socks (one blister protecting kind) like I did on my 20 miles, and my spandex leggings (yeah, i know they are long, but they are the most comfortable to run in), but I'm still unsure about the shirt. I want to wear my Team CARE whick free (is that how you even spell it?) shirt, but it's still a bit tight. I know cotton is a big no no, but I've worn Hanes mens cotton t-shirts during my entire training schedule. I was thinking of wearing a Hanes white cotton tee, and then giving a few of my friends extra shirts who will be on the race course, that way I can change shirts a few times. Look at me, changing shirts in public. I know I'm totally not even close to being thin enough to take off a t-shirt in my sports bra in public, but screw it. If any person looks grossed out, I'm looking them dead in the eye and saying "I'M RUNNING THIS FREAKING MARATHON! ARE YOU? DIDN'T THINK SO." Anyways, do you think this is a good plan? I could try the Team CARE shirt, but I've never ran in it, and I'm afraid to stray from the norm. Ah, decisions decisions....

OH! Another thing! See, I'm just full of info. I'm going to dedicate each mile to a different person or reason. SO, if you have any ideas for one of the dedications, let me know. I think this will help keep me focused and going as I get tired. Also, I'm going to print out any words of wisdom/inspiration, so if you want to leave me some love, comment away or if you want to write me a little note that i can read to keep me from crying at mile 22 (haha) you can e-mail me at

So folks, here we go! It's so close! I'll be posting the next few days, and then posting after the race to let you know I'm alive (haha) and then a much bigger post to recap the race (WITH PICTURES! I'm so taking pictures during the thing, I'm such a nerd).

Once again, if you are coming into the Chicago this weekend for the race (or really if your ever coming to Chicago) e-mail me and let me know! I'm really friendly, and I'd love to meet anyone that's came along for the ride on this crazy journey with me.

That sounds a bit cultish and corny, doesn't it? Ok, on that note I'm off to eat some more carbs, take some more cold medicine, and hope for the best come Sunday!


Pip said...

Wow, Chicago sounds amazing. Where I come from 10,000's a huge race! I really hope I haven't given you my cold. I think your idea about going out for a short, remind-your-legs run tomorrow's a good idea, but half an hour max, and not at all if you're feeling sick. I would say go with the technical shirt, even if it's a bit tight, but then like you say you haven't run with it long distance, so as long as you can keep changing your cotton shirts then go with that plan. I've taken my t-shirt off to remove a polyprop I had underneath before, and I think everything is permissable in a marathon!

Oooh, I'm so excited for you. It sounds like all the feelings you're having are typical pre-event nerves, and you're going to be fine on the day. It might not all be fun, but it will be memorable! Good luck, good luck, good luck!!!

Emily said...

I propose that you dedicate Mile 1 to yourself. Because OMG YOU'RE DOING THE CHICAGO MARATHON. Mile 1 is all about you and your spectacular summer o' training. Then Mile 2 is for your dad.

If things get icky out there, give a mile to Radiohead's new album. That should pump you back up. ;-)

Also, I am all about handing you some Gatorade and a new shirt. I will be around alllllll day, Joey in tow. :-) If you've got your phone, just summon me/us!


See you, your bag of bread, and some pancakes in the morning.

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa!
I'm so proud of you for doing this. You are a huge inspiration for everyone who's reading this!
I've been trying to get healthy for the past six months, too! I want you to check out the site I've been using, It's helped me sooo much, and you get points for tracking your fitness and nutrition, which is really fun. When I started running I would get excited about going home and tracking my run minutes. Also, there are a million people on there who are super supportive, and everyone wants to lose weight and be more healthy, so it's a really nice community. If you sign up and give my screen name (hunny133) I get ten points! Which I like, but it has helped me so much that I love to share it with people. You are going to do awesome this weekend and you're going to be so proud of yourself! Congratulations!


Anonymous said...

Good luck on your marathon this weekend. It sounds like you have prepared and are ready and raring to go. I am one of those persons from Beth's Spark People site. She told us about your running journey and encouraged us to read your inspirational story. I love the idea of dedicating miles along the way. I agree that you should probably just go for a 2-3 miler, but not to overdo it. Go hard -- you deserve to share that prize money with Kenyan Steve!!!