Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Where is Lisa?

Hi! I'm still here. PROMISE!

Pip, Thanks for the check up! Your comments always brighten my day, as does everyone else's encouragement and good wishes and words.

I'm going to update in the next few days. Do a bit of a countdown, some pretty meaty post.

Sorry I've been a bit M.I.A. I just got a 2nd job, and it's been keeping me busy nonstop. Also my writing gig over at http://heavemedia.com has been pretty busy.

So HAVE NO FEAR! I'll check in during the next few days. Promise. Cross my heart.




Anyone actually going to be at the marathon this weekend?! I know a few runners who've read this blog in the past and said they would be running the marathon this year. IF you ARE going to be in Chicago this weekend, please shoot me a message or e-mail at lisa.management@gmail.com

I'd LOVE to meet up with any readers/runners, share our excitement (or fear and dread, take your pick), trade training stories, and do what all marathon people love to do; talk about the marathon they are running. I'll even buy a round on me. And by round I mean something booze related post-marathon or something carb related pre-marathon.

Hope to see some of you soon!


Pip said...

Phew! Great to hear from you. Good luck on the day. I'm sick and banned from any exercise so I'm living vicariously through you Chicago'ers. So I'll be hanging off your every word!!

Emily said...

Three days until you

I haven't taken a detailed look at the course map yet...I know, I suck. I'll give you my coordinates before Sunday at least...