Tuesday, June 5, 2007

new apartment = new running course

Week three now. Still training. Been a bit relaxed though, moving and all. But getting back into the swing of things.

I'm trying to improve my pace now, since my dad is currently kicking my ass. Gee, that isn't embarrassing whatsoever. Yeah.

I bought Gatorade and Gu (the gel you eat when you run) and a powerbar at Target this week. Have yet to try any of these oh so lovely things...Look at me, trying to be all marathoner and shit. Man, is that even a word. I don't know anymore. My brain (and body) just hurts from walking everywhere.

to the anon. commenter, thanks for the sports bra advice. So far I'm ok with my "we don't need to work out, we're fat at Lane Bryant!" sports bra, but if needed I may have to pay the shipping and get one of those neato ones from the UK company, so thanks for the advice and your very lovely comment!

So I live by a beach now, which is nice, except the sand that gets in my shoes. But there are many hot guys with dogs. Nothing to make me feel like a lameass out there huffing and puffing along in my spandex. Ew. Oh well, all in due time...

I've also invested in ice packs. And some different creams for the lovely heat rashes and stuff that I'm getting. Oh man, no one told me how glamorous training for a marathon is. I bet I'm gonna look so awesome with my gu packets pinned to my t-shirt and my water bottle and fanny pack in my horrid spandex on raceday. So hot.

So the pessimist in me is starting to show, eh? Oh well, back to the grindstone...gotta make up for the lost time this week. Keep checking back and take care!

1 comment:

Emily said...

You rock my face off, even if you're not always glamorous now.